Sunday, December 16, 2012


We started our day in our favorite way--talking to everyone at home.  Seems like Pops and Nan are not too exhausted!!  We heard they've been baking and playing games--what a special time for the kids to spend with them!  We are so grateful!!

A room with a view:

Then on to Shamian Island where we stayed for 9 days when we came here 3 years ago to adopt
 Mei Mei.  We had so much fun remembering all the places that we hung out with her and our new friends. 

We were also happy to meet the priest at the Catholic Church on the island and just missed Mass.  Annie received her first blessing from Father Peter -- a newly ordained priest.  Not sure what that looks like in China or how it happens but keep him in your prayers as he puts his life in service to our Lord.

It was great to go back!!


  1. Oh Deb,

    So happy to be traveling this journey with you! With each picture, Annie seems to be more and more secure! Isn't it A M A Z I N G how much these kiddos blossom when they are given that one-on-one attention they deserve!!! I can't wait for you to see Tibebe and Kaleab...they are thriving so much here with their family!!! I miss talking to you everyday and I can't wait to talk to you...and yes...I WILL becalming you on 12/21!!!

  2. Glad you have arrived in Guangzhou! Looks like she is adjusting well. :-)

  3. Love all of the pictures.....keep them coming!!!! Love, Noney
